Meme · top 10s · Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 TV Show Current Marathons

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is a tribute to Fall TV and I have decided to join in with Top 10 Current TV Show Marathons.

Yes. Yess. I picked a good week to join. Y. E. S.

Since I’m relatively new to the book-blogosphere, I decided that I should join in on the action with some memes to find and meet other book bloggers – hopefully, others who can help me out because I am a noob. Turns out, I’m in luck, though! This week’s TV theme has me all excited because books are my first love but Netflix is a temptress. I’ve been a couch potato this summer and I think I’ll have a lot to say. So, for those who are willing to listen – er, read – here goes.

I’m a marathon watcher. If I watch an episode, I expect to see the next start playing and I often purposely miss a few episodes just so I can have a longer session. It’s a flawed system, I know, because I’m backed up with lots and lots of shows I need to catch up on, but something new will always distract me. Thankfully, this list should get me on track with my top 10, at least, and I will need to because most of the listed will be coming back with a new season this September. This is kind of a priority list too.

Let’s do this countdown style because I’m a sucker for theatrics:

10. New Girl

To start us off, is a series that I am smitten with. Technically, it should be higher up the list but, I have only just picked it up. It was popular amongst my friends, they all raved about it and I know exactly what they mean now! It’s light and fun and my kind of ditzy, quirky humour. I think back when the show started, I was preoccupied with college coursework and to annoy my friends a bit, I deliberately avoided watching the show. Fast forward to now, I’m a solid supporter of Schmidt and Cece, I sing to myself when I’m bored and I annoy my friends more by never shutting up about something they’ve all moved on from. It’s too early to say it’s one of my favourites, but, it has certainly earned its spot on my priority list.

9. Game of Thrones

Don’t even get me started. I have a love-hate relationship with this whole franchise, lets just leave it at that. Anyway, each episode is a marathon in itself honestly, so this is a little bit further down the list for my emotional wellbeing.

8. iZombie

Love, love, love this show. Recommended by one of my close friends, I thought at first that this show was a bit too absurd but, I can assure you, it is. In the most original, fresh and interesting way, it is so very much absurd. From the first episode, I was hooked and emotionally attached to incredibly smart Liv and way-too-eager-about-zombies Ravi. The acting is A+, the dialogue is witty and engaging and though the idea of a crime fighting zombie pretending to be a psychic seems so absurd, it makes sense. It’s done cleverly and let me just tell you, I’m not that big on zombies but with this particular universe, I am. I did have to take a breather with this marathon, because after taking a step back, the trouble stirring in the background – the zombie mafia – was too serious, I couldn’t take it seriously.

7. The Flash

My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. This show is so cooool. A little factoid, I’m a Marvel superfan – not so much DC. But The Flash has almost won me over. I’m really liking the setting, the characters and the acting could be a little better but it’s not too noticeable, at least. I’m really excited for this show, in any case and it helps to hype me up for the upcoming DC movies, such as, Justice League.
(Short fangirl moment though, casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman is the greatest decision ever, props to whoever did that. Thank you and bless you.)

6. Elementary

Lucy Liu is my role model. Successful, independent, intelligent, ass-kicker and ageless; I wish I was even half as awesome as she is, when I’m older. I’m Asian and I tend to look for shows and movies with Asian characters because I can relate to them easier and Lucy Liu is a godsend in the early 2000s. Johnny Lee Miller is just as amazing too! I honestly admire his acting, he’s really bringing Sherlock to life. I love other Sherlock shows too, but the dynamic of Johnny’s Sherlock and Lucy’s Joan Watson was just phenomenal. Let’s not forget about Clyde! This show is my favourite out of all other Sherlock retellings and I really really need to get myself caught up.

5. Criminal Minds

One of my all-time crime dramas, I’m due for some serious Criminal Minds marathon. I’m a little bit disappointed with the last changes in cast after Paget Brewster left the show; I really thought they would stick with Jennifer Love Hewitt because she was doing fantastic. I really want a more stable cast again because I really feel the familial bond of the group both on and off screen. Nonetheless, I’m scheduling a day next week for this marathon because: Matthew Gray Gubler. Need I say more?

4. Modern Family

By far one of the easiest marathons. Modern Family is such a delight; it always leaves me smiling. It’s such a feel-good show and I’ve been needing the pick-me-up recently. I love the dynamics of this show, I’m in love with the characters as much as I adore the cast. Whenever this show pops up on TV, you can bet, I won’t be doing anything productive in the next three hours, except laughing and pretending my glass is filled with rosé and not cranberry juice, but I am absolutely fine with that.

3. The Fosters

Lena and Stef are #parentalgoals.

I started watching this show on accident, actually. I wasn’t meaning to click on it but I was too lazy to go back and change, so going in, I had no idea what was to come – I didn’t even know what it was about. I thought I was still in the ‘Because you watched The Office’ category so I expected a light and breezy show. After seeing Jake T. Austin and yelling “Oh, it’s Max!” I fell into another pit of false sense of security. Well, no. It was not ‘light and breezy’ and I’m a little bit damaged. The first episode had me in tears after Stef uttered “Callie… you’re not replaceable” like, where is my grave? I will go lie in it now and pray that I can even be as good of a parent as those two lovely ladies are. (Sidenote: Yay, lesbian couple who are, successful, respectable and winning at life and family!) I may love Lena and Stef more than I love my own mother but let’s keep that between us.

More points for this show because it is currently playing on TV whilst I’m writing this.

2. Agents of SHIELD

Remember when I said I was a Marvel superfan? WELL. If there was a sub-category under that titled ‘AoS addict’, then please, kindly, stick that label on my forehead. I’ve had my eye on this show ever since it released but I was a bit too busy in college to actually try and find a link that streams it, so I’d had to wait for it to be shown on British TV. As soon as it was, I recorded all of those episodes and allowed myself to watch an episode with every paper that I finished writing. For that, I would love to give my thanks to Phil, son of Coul, for being my inspiration and motivation. Special thanks to Skye/Daisy and Agent May for being awesome and delivering kickassery. (Sidenote: Two Asian female main characters??? It was already a win for me.)

Sidenote Mentions: There are a few shows that just missed the mark and/or are technically does not meet the requirements. Grimm and Once Upon a Time were only slightly off the priority list because they didn’t quite grip me as much as the ones on here have. I love fantasy TV shows and I love fairy tale retellings but I think I’m a little bit too picky with these genres. Sadly, these two would probably stay on my watchlist for a longer time than necessary because as I’ve also mentioned; I am easily distracted by newer and shinier things.

Such as, Marvel’s new upcoming shows Luke Cage and Legion! First of all, I have a soft spot for Luke Cage because he is the other half of the power couple OTP that is Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Even their names scream power. Also, as the second black-led show on Netflix – and a Marvel one to top it off! – I’m so incredibly excited for this release. Yay, PoC superheroes! Now, second on my anticipated release is Legion because he just seems like the most interesting character Marvel had ever come up with. When I first heard of Legion, I wasn’t able to find any comic books at the time and, I regret it now but, I didn’t do further research. However, my enthusiasm has skyrocketed after watching the trailer for this show. Never mind that it won’t be set in the same universe as Marvel Cinematics or, even, the X-Men (Legion’s dad is Prof. Xavier and I’ve made an observation that Prof. X and Magneto make really powerful children, what is in their sperm?), I’m still excited to see how this dark, psychotic and powerful character will come to life.

But, back to the main course.

1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Nine Nayiiiine!

I love this show, I do. I love the writing, the cast, the stories, the hilarious dialogue. It surprised me too how much I would love a sitcom about cops but I love it soooo much that this is the only marathon that I have actually finished. I’m fully caught up with the show, and I’m impatiently waiting for the comeback season. I have too many things I love about this show, I can’t form a good enough paragraph so I’m gonna make a list. A list within a list; listception.

  • I have mad respect for Andy Samberg. He is just my kind of humour and he brings that to the show. Not to mention that one interview at the men’s award-something-or-other about how he doesn’t understand why men have to get a separate awards show because they already get too much credit anyway and he was just there to promote his band’s new album.
  • Melissa Fumero’s pregnancy did not cause her to leave the show like it might do with other shows. She was very pregnant – still glowing and still so beautiful though, lady are you a goddess? – and it was actually so very entertaining for the show to ‘hide’ that fact. There were even a few jokes that ridiculed the other characters if they so much as say that Amy ‘looks’ pregnant, it was awesome.
  • Terry Crews. Just. Terry Crews.
  • Chelsea Peretti is a quotable queen and she has about half of the best moments in all seasons.
  • The romance is adorable. I don’t always want to see it in shows because it gets too played out but no matter how cliche, the story of Amy and Jake was, it was done so subtly that I was craving for more.
  • The pranks and the games they play at the Nine-nine are so childish and I hope this doesn’t happen in real police stations – but they honestly look like good fun and they are a small family that I have come to love as my own.

That is all, and good night.

From the comfort of my couch, JY

10 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 TV Show Current Marathons

    1. I loveee The Fosters. I hadn’t heard about them either before I started watching so I hoped I could interest a few people to check it out, as well, because it deals with issues really well and I’m so proud of that show.
      And yes, iZombie is another show that’s actually adorable xD you’ll love the characters!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep! After a marathon of CM, I would have to watch something funny because my brain feels like a psychopath and I get paranoid for a few hours. That’s why I always end up watching Brooklyn Nine Nine after a CM marathon and the stark contrast of each crime show just makes it funnier! Lol
      I’ll make sure to check it out~


  1. I adore Brooklyn Nine Nine!! The humor is spot on. I also love Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and iZombie. I can’t wait for all of these to be back on the air! Even though my #1 marathon-able TV show is Doctor Who.

    Liked by 1 person

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