Meme · top 10s · Tuesday

Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Audiobook TBR (TBL?)

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week, it’s an Audio Freebie! I’m not much of an audiobook listener but I do have quite a few books on my wishlist so here is my Top 10 Audiobooks Wishlist.

A lot of people like to listen to audiobooks, whether they’re busy or not. The soothing voice of a brilliant narrator really does bring the book to life. Unfortunately, I cannot focus very well on a story when it’s being read to me – often, I have to read along with it to really get immersed into the story. Though, there are but a few audiobooks who I am willingly to make an exception, especially after hearing and reading good reviews.

10. It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover, read by Olivia Song

I haven’t heard much of Colleen Hoover’s novels until recently when I came across the reviews of this book on Goodreads. I found it very intriguing and although I don’t read many romance books, I may take a gamble on this one and check it out and it may help to be able to listen to a reading.


9. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, read by Jenny Agutter

Another anticipated book on my TBR! I would love to listen and read this book and it may feel even more spookier with a narrator like Jenny Agutter. I know her from some big movies but I am a much bigger fan of her reading of Pride and Prejudice. Hopefully, I can get a copy of the audio and the book soon because I would really love to listen to a story of mysterious family secrets around Halloween.


8. Mistborn: The Alloy of Law by Brandon Sanderson, read by Michael Kramer

I haven’t yet read the Mistborn series but I would also love to list that here as an audiobook wishlist. In particular, though, I am mainly intrigued with this sequel, set 20 or so years after the events of the original trilogy, adding more extraordinary concepts to the Mistborn mythos. The conception of this story is what amuses me the most; it started out as a writing exercise for Brandon Sanderson to clear his head of writer’s block, I assume, but the work turned out to be better than expected and was released for publication. Two more books followed this series, with a fourth one in the works and along with the praises and reviews I’ve read, I have high hopes for this one.



7. A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, read by Roy Dotrice

As one of my first introduction to audiobooks, I feel that this series deserves a place on my list, though I have listened to the first book already. Luckily enough, YouTube provides several audios of this so it was not hard to find and all I needed were headphones and a book to (re)read alongside it. But I found that I need not bother because Roy Dotrice has captivated me right from the start. I would love to listen to the rest of the books and relive the legendary (painful) story of Westeros.


6. The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins, read by Clare Corbett, India Fisher, Louise Brealy

With an anticipated release of the film adaptation of this psychological thriller, I am determined to get myself a copy of this book and read it before seeing it in theatre. The book has average ratings on Goodreads, a mix of good and bad reviews, which is somewhat off-putting but I still want to give it a try. I’m a big fan of mystery and psychological thriller genres, even more in films and TV shows so I hope to immerse myself into this book with the help of audio.


5. The Night Circus by Erin Morgersten, read by Jim Dale

Jim Dale is well-known for reading all seven audiobooks for Harry Potter and though I haven’t listened to that particular series, I’ve heard many good reviews about the narrator in particular. The Night Circus is also an intriguing book that has been on my TBR for a long while now and having it read to me may just bump it up the list. I love the idea of a magical realism novel with a circus theme and with a phenomenal narrator such as Jim Dale, I have a feeling it would be a fantastic read/listen.


4. Revenger by Alastair Reynolds, read by Clare Corbett

This book has many, many good reviews and I’ve been told it is a mix of Treasure Island, Moby Dick and a little bit of Blade Runner, which has captured my interest. I would love to listen to this on audiobook and this exciting new world offers a sci-fi adventure with an interesting crew of characters aboard has got me hyped. There are a few bad reviews but I soon forgot about those after reading the summary, already an amazing hook.  Two words: Space Pirates.


3. Orphans of the Carnival by Carol Birch, read by Helen Johns

As established, I am a big fan of circus themed stories and more so, carnivals – especially ones based on a true person from 1800’s. I have recently read a review of this book with amazing praises and I hope it is as stunning and compelling as they said it is. A fictionalized story that follows an extraordinary woman: a “freak” from Victorian carnivals, sounds very haunting and examines the way society views and treats people who are unusual, who look different or have their own unique view of the world. It would be an interesting audiobook to listen to, indeed.


2. Shadow Police: Who Killed Sherlock Holmes? by Paul Cornell, read by Damian Lynch

Upon reading the title, I was hooked and had a cackle imagining the ghost of Sherlock walking the city. I love Sherlock Holmes, by far my most favourite personality in the mystery genre. This book has had his ghost, murdered. Now that the ghost is deader, the Shadow Police team will eventually find themselves in a Sherlockian maze following the clues. I will also want to read and listen to the first two books of the Shadow Police series but I am anticipating this book specifically.


1. The Improbability of Love by Hannah Mary Rothschild, read by Barnaby Edwards, Jilly Bond

This may be the audiobook that convinces me to register for an Audible account. I want to read this book so badly! Now, after reading reviews of the audiobook, it sounds even better narrated. Lovelorn and heartbroken characters learning to fall in love again is my kind of cliché, guilty pleasure romance. She will also be solving the mystery behind a painting, presumably a lost masterpiece, and its previous owners as she dives into the London art world full of exiled Russian oligarchs, avaricious Sheikas, desperate auctioneers and unscrupulous dealers. With an overwhelmingly amount of fantastic reviews and praises, I’m tempted to listen to this fun story right this second.

A dazzling, witty and tenderly savage satire of London life and the art world is also a surprising and wonderful love story.


After writing and doing my research on these audiobooks, especially the top 5, I’m very, very tempted to start an Audible account. I also know that I want to listen to more audiobooks, with some I may still have to read along, but I want to start introducing it to my daily routine, like listening to a book while cooking, driving – it could be very fun. How do you like to listen to your audiobooks? What audiobooks would you recommend?

Leave your thoughts below, I love reading and talking about these topics! I will also check out other TTT’s~


Considering Audible, JY

P.s. if it’s an audiobook TBR – should it be called to-be-listened-to (TBL? TBLT?) Please, somebody enlighten me.

10 thoughts on “Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Audiobook TBR (TBL?)

  1. My brother never shuts up about how amazing Roy Dotrice is and is hoping that the last book in the series comes out quickly so that he can narrate it, since he is already in his 90s. I thought it was neat when they brought him on as the Pyromancer in the show!

    My TTT.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I never tried to listen an audiobook and I feel like that I will get confused very quickly, haha. But I want to try, maybe I will try some free books-classics in my language!☺ I have some of these in my tbr as well ☺
    I like your idea! great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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